Hedgehogs Videos:  Behavior & Personality

A Hedgehog’s Nature...
Email from customer. Balled up hedgehog....
Behavior During Quilling | Grouchy & Uncom...
Cage Circling | Hedgehogs...
Cleanliness | Cage Trashing | Hedgehogs...
Cohabitating | Hedgehogs...
Determining the Cause of Quill Loss | Hedg...
Do Hedgehogs Bite? (part one)...
Do hedgehogs bite? | Does a hedgehog's bit...
Forehead Brow Down | Tail up | Hedgehog Bo...
Grouchy hedgehog or just not on your sched...
Hedgehog as a Classroom Pet...
Hedgehog Body Language | Spines Up and Irr...
Hedgehog body language - Spines up definit...
Hedgehog Burrowing - Igloo & Sleeping Bag ...
Hedgehog not Self Anointing as much as bef...
Hedgehog Self Anointing Demonstration...
Hedgehogs and Quills like a Turtle and She...
Hedgehog in food bowl...
Hedgehogs like owners have different perso...
Hedgehogs | Do they favor one family membe...
Hedgehogs | Masters of Escape...
How to Release a Hedgehog’s Bite | Hedge...
Huffing & puffing is normal | Be patient w...
Huffing & puffing is normal | Your hedgeho...
Huffing & Puffing | Pick your hedgehog up ...
Litter Training Your Hedgehog...
Nocturnal, Crepuscular or Diurnal | HEDGE...
Owner question | why is my hedgehog sleepi...
The Process of Quilling | Reasons for New ...
Tips to avoid having your hedgehog poop on...

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